Saturday, November 14, 2009
मम प्रिय भाई
भाई ओ भाई ओ मम प्रिय भाई ,
तुझसे मैंने विद्या कमाई ,
तुने ही मुझे zig zag underline करना सिखाया ,
जिसकी वजह से हिंदी की teacher से था मैंने लाफा खाया ,
तुने ही मुझे cricket सिखाया ,
खुद ball बना और मुझे bat पकडाया ,
तुने ही सिखाये वो पीठ के मुक्के ,
वो लातें सुहानी वो लाफे अनोखे ,
तुने ही मुझे सिखाया blackmails से डरना ,
वो घर से निकलना और कुछ दूर चलना ,(cryptic matter)
तुने मुझे अप्भ्रम्षा सिखाये ,
वो Odi Aadi Odi Aadi wo sigdikk साए साए ,
तुने मुझे कंजूसी सिखाई ,
पर जासूसी मुझे अपने आप थी आई ,
दुआ है मेरी खूब आगे जाये तू ,
मुझे फोकट में लिफ्ट दे और
मुफ्त में घुमाए तू ...
आपका प्रिय भाई परम(नाम तो सुना ही होगा )
The Great N81 story
Monday, October 26, 2009
Battle of Water(in)Loo!!!!
Thats a calamity with the result of momentary elevated B.P,adrenaline upsurge and corticosteroids accumulation.....The man's survival is not just a miracle but an inspiration to all the people to develop a will power as strong as his..
Sunday, October 18, 2009
"a Win is A Win"
19 sept,2.00 p.m::: My friend Pulkit (yeah the one who gives friend requests to unknown people) and I decided to gratify our thirst and get rid of the drought that persisted for 1 week.(No we're not addicted).We headed on to the pool....(no not for swimming with mermaids but 9 ball pool).9 ball pool is quiet a fascinating game when your cheap shots start going in and quiet a disgusting venture when the most intensely concentrated shot to pot a ball needing just a gentle kiss(the one given generally on head and face and which is not wet) dont go in....So we arrived at the battleground and got ready for 1 hour of onslaught comprising of 4-5 games(we guessed)....The owner of the pooling area gave higher priority to our match than watching "Saas Bahu and Saazish" on AAJ Tak. The rest of the post will be commentary made by him(offcourse its fictitious.....but its a tribute to great commentators like Tony Greig,Geoff Boycott and Sidhu)...So here it goes.....
So this is the moment we all were waiting for...The final match of 4 match tournament....Gupta leads Saraf is going to be one heck of a match....Here it begins....Saraf takes the break...Gupta is merciless and is on a potting spree and Saraf is just trying to keep up with his raging supporters by saying that "Winning and Losing doesnt matter"...The odds are favouring Gupta as his baniya killer insticts in on a roll....The final moments of the match...Gupta needs to pot just 1 black ball and Saraf needs to pot 4 balls+black ball...With the black ball positioned near the hole noone in the world can ask or think for a mighty turnaround...Gupta can pot the ball with eyes closed... Heres the shot....Its a miss...Oopsie Daisie thats rubbish...So the heavens have knocked Param's doors...He wastes no time and pots 2 balls...Now Gupta hits and misses...Param has a great opportunity to pot the red ball which is also positioned near the hole and then hope for a miracle to pot the yellow ball...Param hits and misses....Foul....Gupta hits and misses....Param hits and misses....I've never seen such a game of pool where the excitement is not about who wins but about the end of the game as I've to close the shop and go for lunch...Both the players pretty adamant to deprive me of food...
While I was thinking about food I saw this game continue for 10 mins during which Saraf had commited 5 fouls in a row and Gupta was just beating his head as the ball refused to be potted....Now its Saraf's turn can he improve his record by making the 6th foul in a row...He fails to foul and pots the red ball..Now he hits yellow ball but couldnt pot it.....Seeing Gupta hopeless Saraf has a new spark in his eyes...Now Gupta being pissed off with easy shots not going in decides for a difficult rebound...With eyes of a desperate housewife Gupta is sweating profusely...He scratches his groin area as a token of respect to Sachin Tendulkar and asking for good luck...Its so tense I tell you that all the spiders have held on to their webs...Can he win this time...Can he re establish his legacy..He gets ready for the shot..Stick moves forward,backward..shot..Takkk!!!..
(Time Warp)The queue ball hits the black ball...Its a no......its out of the table....actually its in.....oopsie daisey......All the drama...all the fun has finally come to an end.....wait a second....Why does Gupta look dejected and Param Saraf has removed his T-shirt and is waving it in the air......Ohhh......Gupta potted it in the wrong hole...Gupta is furious and is challenging the victory of Saraf but Saraf has turned deaf and is shouting "A WIN IS A WIN".............
Sunday, September 27, 2009
NAMASTEY Aunty Effect !!!!!!!!!!

In early days I used to say it with my hands gesturing namastey much like the politicians do when they make a vote appeal.My brother used to tease me for it.So I decided to change with the time.My brothers style was pretty different and seemed indifferent to me.When he sees an uncle or aunty his head would nod quickly just as it does when he sneezes accompanied by the words at a noise level of .001 db.So I eventually embibed his style and started sneezing out my namasteys.
When I see my target from long distance,then the sneeze has to be properly timed.The void between the sneeze and (deadman)walking can be filled by observing how clean your road is or seeing your hairstyle in car's windows or blowing kisses to the girls who are watching you from the windows(its optional) but not by making eye contact with the target.After the indifferent time-out I begin to prepare myself for the moment and wait for the eye contact...3,2,1..."Namastey aunty"(sneeze).Most of times I get positive feedbacks but sometimes I get most errant(not transgressively) responses in which their reaction suggests "Sewers are really foul smelling here".Thats part and parcel of life and you have to move on.
Difficulties arise when the freshers(uncle and aunty) arrive and I am not sure whether my namastey will succeed.Sometimes there are more than 1 target in close proximity.I have to very tactfully position my eyes in centre so that with 1 sneeze I can petrify(I have read 112 pages of Chamber of secrets till date....the only potter book )all of them.
Being a "patelian"(I know how hard its entrance was) I have experienced the most unusual styles of indifferent wishing.I had to wave hands after seeing a teacher or even Principal much the same way the shopkeeper communicates "nahi hai" after being asked "bhaiyya maa ki daal hai(no offence mummies)?" or like one of the dance steps of Helen in "Laila O Laila".I loved this waving as it suited my character.It was a multipurpose weapon as a lot was communicated with just a simple wavering.The main purpose of this wavering was to reduce that .oo1 db of noise pollution and our school was awarded with a badge of honour by "the green brigade"(the same brigade that occupied 3 center pages of my books in classes 5,6,7)...
Hope the environmentalists will consider this wishing style and put it in global perspective as"Namastey Aunty Effect".....
Friday, September 25, 2009
The 3 Musketeers on an ultimate safari (25 days of adventure) Chapter IV

1."battakh or duck"(named by me by his looks and behaviour) who was a cause for jealousy for "The Fatman and D.D" as he was a typical hardworking guy....He was a worrier more than a warrior...
2."Fatman"(a new superhero):The most involved and had the Dzire(swift) to win more than all of us...
3."D.D":He was the "desi bhaiyya" who tried to impress with his casualness but ultimately became a casualty.
4."Irfan Pathan":He was the smartest among all of us.Short in height but taller than her.Chocolate boy who was a heartthrob..
Me:"Who is She?" (the popular words from a poem that I recited once in class 12th and recieved many accolades for it.)
Lab class 1:I was the first to come and took the second seat from the corner.Miss Ruby with all humility decided to sit next to me.Then entered the 4 honourable men.The Fatman without wasting a second landed his butts in between the two of us..I was pretty happy to get a side and enjoy the war that was meant to be lost at all cost.
So every day brought new hopes and aspirations in the minds of all of them..."Battakh" tried to impress with his problem solving ability,D.D with his news reading ability,"Fatman" with problem creating ability and "Irfan" with his inswinging yorkers which he lost in recent past that brought about his demise..So it was fun watching all of them on the path of self destruction...There was a new hero everyday.Usually "Battakh" hoisted victory flag and gave blushes(quiet raging blushes) to the rest.The "Fatman" planned many assasinations by giving rebuttals to "Battakh's" answers but always succeeded in becoming a kamikaze.Irfan was my best pal in the group.Actually I was his mentor and gave him confidence to rediscover his magical inswingers....He succeeded in that and was a surprise package towards the end of the course.
In the last meeting in Lab we were assigned a Project.Irfan was busy in his own game.D.D had become the D.D(DEVDAS) and showed least interest in the project.The "Fatman" was still trying hard to showcase his skills in Frontpage and M.S Paint but it was too late as Irfan was claiming wickets at the right time....Battakh was our group leader who cried after we were given 54 marks out of 60...That really concluded his chances of making a mark.
It was a happy ending afterall.While Ruby managed 10th rank and recieved T-shirt and merit certificate,the 4 men got Passing certificates but are happy nonetheless as they got their friend requests approved on facebook and orkut.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
'The Road to Yamuna Bank'
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
When Evils doesnt need a reason....
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
The Cheap Rock::::
Friday, August 28, 2009
The 3 Musketeers on an ultimate safari (25 days of adventure)

Sunday, August 16, 2009
My Xperiments with Truth......

Tuesday, August 11, 2009
The 3 Musketeers on an ultimate safari (25 days of adventure) Chapter III
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
The 3 Musketeers on an ultimate safari (25 days of adventure) Chapter II
Sunday, August 2, 2009
The 3 Musketeers on an ultimate safari (25 days of adventure)

Key characters ::::::
[Mel :Sahil Malhotra, Chugh :Sahil Chugh, Me:Param Saraf]
The SearCh For Suman AUnty
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Tribute continued........the teachers(the best 3)
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
IIT vs Astrology

Saturday, July 4, 2009
A tribute to GTBIT::the beginning....
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Kameenication::My way of communication
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
My first kickk