The journey of life in the vehicle of body.Mind gives self but it runs only by "Kickkstart".

Monday, October 26, 2009

Battle of Water(in)Loo!!!!

The hand in figure is thoroughly washed and is not mine

What  would you do?

If you are in the loo(I love my Indian) and  the tap  gets jammed after being opened....You are amazed to see that the water pressure is still extremely low...Then you  use your intellect  that probably  there's no water to meet your demands....As you try to battle it out (i.e wash away your sins with a little drop of elixir(holy water) )  , the doorbell rings....You suspect your parents to be at the door but a distinctive loud baritone disapproves your notion...As u somehow begin to rise,your mobile phone rings....

Thats a calamity with the result of momentary elevated B.P,adrenaline upsurge and corticosteroids accumulation.....The man's survival is not just a miracle but an inspiration to all the people to develop a will power as strong as his..

Thank god he opened the door with pants on......

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