Why dont you speak much?
OK,sorry tell us some incident you spoke last time?
How many times have you spoken in your life?
3 times
And what did you speak during those moments?
Czechoslovakia doesnt exist now,why did you speak Czechoslovakia?
Czechoslovakia is by brother's pet name...
What's yours?
It is an island right,Why Galapagos?
My dad had a 300 acre plot there....
He wanted me to reclaim it.
But its a UNESCO's Heritage site.How did he manage to buy it?
**/-%$^#....He didnt buy it..But he reached first at the island...So its his..He claims...
How is it possible.I guess it was discovered in 1684 by Ambrose Cowley?
Even I thought it once.But noonne can argue my dad.
But how does he claim that island to be his?
Ohh..When my dad came across Google earth he tagged "my home" at Galapagos.
But why Galapagos?
He was getting bigger plots in Antarctica and Greenland but thought Al Gore and Pachauri will be the bone of contention and our refrigerator is not CFC free.In addition my dad is also fond of ice creams but he is suffering from Diabetes Mellitus.
OK,so how are you planning to reclaim it?
I will go there every year and carry some sand and stones.
So,you are saying you are going to smuggle an island?
I will go there as a geologist and collect samples.
Lets get back to the main point.Why dont you speak much?
(blushing and staring at the woodland shoes).......I love you woodland....KICKKKKKKK
(interviewer's ass turned red uniformly such is the precision of woodland's el diablo)
[I tried hard to convince the interviewer to stop his nuisance....But its said some people never learn.They dont run with self but need a kickstart.]
An encounter specialist who will not entertain any cheapness and misuse of words.He has eagle eyes and has been given kick at sight orders.All those people who talk nuisance.....Beware here comes.....Kickkstarter
Personally, i prefer spark ignition to kickstarting.
give the irritating person a high voltage shock by placing an appropriate part of his body in the spark gap, and watch the fun. its so much more effective than a kick.
hahaha....You are right may be...My feet start shaking when I hear nuisance....my woodland smells flesh(buttock preferably)....I dont trust new age technologies(spark ignition here)it deprives me of the pleasure of completing the task completely on my own...
Like it.
More nonsense requested.
".......I love you woodland...KICKKKKKKK(interviewer's ass turned red uniformly such is the precision of woodland's el diablo)"
Coup de grace.. Most definitely..
I am blushing again...but with bathroom slippers...dont worry..
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